Cool Summer Pizza Recipe

1 Package Multi-grain tortillas
1 Container Whipped cream cheese with chives
1 Cucumber finely chopped
1 Red or yellow bell pepper finely chopped
1 Zucchini finely chopped
1 Yellow squash finely chopped
1-2 Celery stalks finely chopped
1/4 Red onion finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon chopped parsley or cilantro
1 TSP. Mrs. Dash
Dash of Dill Weed
1. Chop the vegetables, then place them and seasonings in a large bowl. Refrigerate for at least one hour so flavors blend.
2. Spread whipped cream cheese evenly on tortillas.
3. Sprinkle vegetables over cream cheese.
4. Cut into wedges and serve as a snack or appetizer (or use as a roll-up) Serves 20