Board of Directors
Dear Food Bank Friends,
We are living in extraordinary times. What we thought was “normal” has been turned upside down. As I write this, we are still in the midst of pandemic. People are experiencing unemployment at record rates. And citizens around the world are mobilized in a fight for justice in society.
Food insecurity permeates every aspect of these crises, and hunger has reached deeper into our communities than it ever has in our lifetimes. The Food Bank of Central Louisiana has responded in kind. We have activated mobile pantries all over the region; We have increased service to local food pantries and partner agencies; we have expanded the hours for drive-through distributions; we have increased our cold storage capacity; and we have been serving more clients every day than ever in our history.
We’ve been able to respond because of you. These extraordinary times have brought out extraordinary kindness. The Food Bank team and Board of Directors have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our communities. While hunger has gained ground, donors have reached deeper into their pockets to meet the challenges before us.
As we turn our eyes forward to the times ahead, we look upon the next days and years with hope. While we know the current crises will continue to be with us for a while, we hope that eventually there will be a vaccine; that people will return to work; that a more just society will come to be; and that our communities will help the hungry. Hope means we will strive to not just return to normal; but that we will create a future that is better than the past. We strive toward a future that moves ever closer to our mission of alleviating hunger in Central Louisiana.
All donations make a difference, whether it is monetary, food or time. Thank you for sharing our vision and for your dedication! And above all, thank you for all you do to help those in need in Central Louisiana.
Joe Gardner, Chair
Food Bank of Central Louisiana
2022-2023 Board of Directors
Kent Lachney, Chair
Cornelia Pickens Sutton, Vice Chair
Gary Brown, Treasurer
Joe Gardner, Secretary
Lottie Bash
Ronnie Briley
Brian Couvillon
Christina G. Hathorn
Tim Holloway
Sam Kennedy
Krystal Rachal
Mandy Scoggin
Marie Simpson
Todd St.Romain
Robert Willet