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Host a Food Drive

There are many ways to donate to the Food Bank of Central Louisiana and we welcome them all.


Visit our donation page or give us a call at (318) 445-2773

Creative Ideas For A Successful Food Drive


There are many ways to donate food to The Food Bank of Central Louisiana. Call 318-445-2773 for more information. 


  • Food Drives are an essential part of the Food Bank of Central Louisiana. Let your office, school or organization host a food drive.

  • Create a competition between classrooms, departments or floors to see who raises the most. Give the winning team an incentive such as a pizza party, casual dress day, gift certificates donated by local businesses and so on...

  • Encourage teams to choose a mascot, motto, team name or cheers. The sillier, the better! Assign specific foods from the needed items list to each team. Give a special prize to the group that donates a well-balanced collection of foods.

  • Designate theme days. Fill a playpen with infant formula on Monday. Plant a "garden" in the lobby with canned vegetable on Tuesday. And so on...

  • Let your staff or students wear casual dress if they meet their food drive goals.

Make A Donation
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